Home - Sutton STEAMS Ahead
Exploring science through art and local culture
In 2020, the London borough of Sutton was a recipient of a prestigious Cultural Impact Award from The Mayor of London. Sutton achieved the sought after prize with a proposal exploring science through art and culture.
STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths. Through the blending of these themes the London Borough of Sutton have assembled an exciting and vibrant programme of cultural and science related activities and events, that the public can enjoy.
Sutton STEAMs Ahead programme includes

Light and Dark Festival

Get to know an interesting array of STEAM professionals, watching a video series of fascinating stories on how people started their career journey's in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths, and how they got to where they are now.

Creative Impact

We Dance for Life
A short film created with the help of dozens of local volunteers that celebrates the research that will one day beat cancer.

Sutton's Hidden Worlds

Sutton STEAM Fair
The Sutton STEAM Fair brought an incredible week of extraordinary attractions, workshops and memories for almost 10,000 attendees!

Shed Loads of Happiness
What makes us happy is often connected to the objects, stories, experiences and memories that we feel, or that remind us of positive moments in our lives. Shed Loads of Happiness aims to explore this idea in a post-Covid Sutton, by directly connecting and engaging with Sutton's communities in a variety of ways.

Lavender Fields Forever
This project strand looks at the local significance of the lavender and herb growing industries, as well as the science of distillation and the science of smell. Throughout the year, creative and engaging activities on this theme take place, suitable for all ages, along with historical talks and walks taking place at Sutton’s heritage sites and around the borough.

Then, Now, Next
Then, Now, Next seeks to improve residents' understanding of the science of photography, and the photographic collections in The London Borough of Sutton’s Archives.

Find Out What's On
Sutton STEAMs Ahead aims to uniquely blend the arts and sciences through S.T.E.A.M themes (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths). Find out about the events happening as part of Sutton STEAMs Ahead!