Lavender Fields Forever - Sutton STEAMS Ahead

Lavender Fields Forever
This project strand looks at the local significance of the lavender and herb growing industries, as well as the science of distillation and the science of smell. Throughout the year, creative and engaging activities on this theme take place, suitable for all ages, along with historical talks and walks taking place at Sutton’s heritage sites and around the borough.
From Oranges to Watercress
From Oranges to Watercress is an exhibition at Honeywood Museum that looks at specialist plant growing in the local area from 1500 to 1950 including the innovative plants in two major Elizabethan gardens (one with oranges) and the later farming of lavender, mint and watercress that runs until January 2024.
Smells and Feelings
Smells and Feelings is a workshop based initiative which aims to explore the history and culture of growing lavender, mint, and other herbs as a significant industry in Sutton. Aromatherapist, Melanie Dean is running workshops across Sutton designed for local people living with dementia, in care homes, community groups and schools, in addition to popping up at other venues. A supporting travelling exhibition of smells will accompany the workshops.
The exhibition supported the workshops in a creative and engaging way, capturing the long standing association with lavender and the sensory triggers it creates. Smell has a positive impact on the brain to inspire creative responses and links to memory. The workshops captured a curated ‘menu’ of smells and the memories they sparked, with participants able to submit their own place-based memories inspired by the smells. Different essential oils were used, with participants experiencing mystery scents.
The exhibition supported the workshops in a creative and engaging way, capturing the long standing association with lavender and the sensory triggers it creates. Smell has a positive impact on the brain to inspire creative responses and links to memory. The workshops captured a curated ‘menu’ of smells and the memories they sparked, with participants able to submit their own place-based memories inspired by the smells. Different essential oils were used, with participants experiencing mystery scents.

Oil & Water
The project commissioned a film to be made that looks at the history of the local lavender industry in Sutton, exploring what the plants meant to communities and what it currently means for volunteers who give their time to the Carshalton Lavender project, a key partner for this film project. The film will also make connections between aromatic plants that hold a significant meaning for other residents and the diverse communities within the borough - as well as lavender, other aromatic plants and herbs grown locally to Sutton include: peppermint, watercress, spearmint, chamomile, liquorice, damask and red roses, amongst others.
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What's On
In 2023, the London Borough of Sutton is delivering an ambitious programme with the aim of putting culture at the heart of local communities. Sutton STEAMs Ahead aims to uniquely blend the arts and sciences through S.T.E.A.M themes (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths). Find out about the events happening as part of Sutton STEAMs Ahead!

Who We Work With
Sutton STEAMs Ahead is an exploration of the incredible feats that become possible through the combination of science and art. In the same way, this programme has been made possible by combining the time and talents of many people. The collaborator profiles highlight some of the excellent individuals that have worked in the programme and the work they do.