Volunteer with us, attend our events and share your thoughts
Make the best of our events by getting involved -
join as a volunteer to help deliver wonderful experiences across the borough. You can show your support by attending events and exploring the programme! You can share images and thoughts by tagging
#SuttonSTEAMsAhead on social media or for direct feedback, simply
fill in our short feedback form. The programme offered something for everyone, young and old alike.
Then, Now, Next: Capture Sutton for the King
We are collecting photos and footage that directly record how Sutton is celebrating the Coronation of King Charles III, while also filling a gap in archival records by asking residents to use photographic media to create and share connections between the historic lives, technologies and landscapes of the London Borough of Sutton and the present.
Read the Capture Sutton for the King page or
download the PDF to find out more.
Seeking Facilitator for Art and Nature Workshops
As part of Sutton STEAMs Ahead 2023, the London Borough of Sutton has developed an exciting new opportunity for a workshop leader experienced in leading artistic or creative workshops to run two workshops between 1 November 2023 and 31 January 2024.
Read the brief (
downloadable PDF) and apply via email to
suttonsteamsahead@sutton.gov.uk before 10am on 16 October 2023.
Seeking Nature and Wellbeing Workshop Leader
As part of Sutton STEAMs Ahead 2023, the London Borough of Sutton has developed an exciting new opportunity for a workshop leader experienced in leading gardening and nature workshops to run four workshops between 1 November 2023 and 31 January 2024.
Read the brief (
downloadable PDF) and apply via email to
suttonsteamsahead@sutton.gov.uk before 10am on 16 October 2023.
Call for Creative Technologist, Artist or Technical Expert to Deliver an Immersive Event
London Borough of Sutton (LBS) has developed an exciting opportunity for creative technologists, artists, light and audio technicians to bring their innovative ideas and technical expertise to co-create and deliver a one-off event. The event will involve transforming the Sutton Central Library’s Gallery space into a captivating and immersive experience in Jan 2024. Application deadline: 12pm on 7 September 2023.
Apply through the London Tender’s Portal, Procatis.
An online Q&A session will take place on 31 August, 1-2pm, to answer queries regarding the application process and questions about the opportunity. To receive the link to attend this Q&A session, please register your interest by
completing a short form.
Call for Community Groups: Light & Dark Festival
The Light & Dark Festival aims to fund up to eight (8) Sutton-based events run by community groups between Oct 2023-Feb 2024 around the theme of “Light & Dark”.
Read the brief (
downloadable PDF) and send your proposal via email to
suttonsteamsahead@sutton.gov.uk before 10am on 21 August 2023.
An online Q&A session will take place on 15 August, 1-2pm, to answer queries regarding the application process and questions about the residencies. To receive the link to attend this Q&A session, please register your interest by 14 August, 5pm to:
Call for Artists & Creative Practitioners: Research & Development Residency
We are offering an exciting new £8,000 R&D residency open to creatives working in all disciplines. Taking place between August 2023 and January 2024, the focus is to explore the intersections between art and science. Deadline for expression of interest is midday on 5 July 2023. To find out more, including how to apply, visit the London Tenders Portal. Image courtesy of The Institute of Cancer Research London.
There is a live Q&A webinar on Monday 26 June 2023 at 13.00-14.00 GMT where queries in relation to this residency or the procurement process will be answered. If you are interested in attending, please complete the entry form by 5pm on 23 June 2023. A link to the webinar will be sent to you.
Call for student images – What Music Means to Me!
Sutton Music Trust are looking for still images from young people that illustrate why music is so important to them as part of the Shed Loads of Happiness project in July 2023. These images can be photographs, drawings, paintings, computer-generated, or a collage. Please send digital scans/copies of final images to suttonmusictrust@cognus.org.uk by 16 June 2023. Find out more.
Filmmakers to Produce Short Videos
The Sutton STEAMs Ahead programme is seeking a freelance videographer or independent production company to produce multiple short (3-5 minute) videos documenting the careers of people working in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths). Find out more including how to apply and how to attend a Q&A session.
Then, Now, Next: Projections
Are you an artist interested in the links between art and science? As part of the Sutton STEAMs Ahead programme, The London Borough of Sutton is on the lookout for 3 creatives to take part in an exciting new project with each chosen proposal being awarded £7,500. Find out more about this commissioned opportunity.
Smells and Feelings
Smells and Feelings is a workshop based initiative which aims to explore the history and culture of growing lavender, mint, and other herbs as a significant industry in Sutton. This commission is for the development of workshops and associated resources, and for the delivery of sessions to groups from July - October 2023. Read the brief (downloadable PDF) and apply by completing the application form (downloadable word document) and sending it to suttonsteamsahead@sutton.gov.uk.
Calling Professionals in STEAM
We are looking for artists, scientists, and STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths) professionals from within and beyond the borough to participate in a series of short ‘meet the professional’ videos. This will inspire local secondary school students to understand the wide variety of careers available in STEAM, broadening their horizons and knowledge of work opportunities beyond traditional routes. Read the brief (downloadable PDF). If you are interested please fill in this short form.
Stories from the Shed
We're calling for all artists and creatives including storytellers, performers, science soapbox stars, musicians, animators and craftspeople for ‘Stories from the Shed’, a public events series being curated as part of Sutton STEAMs Ahead 2023. Read the Brief (downloadable PDF) for the full information and apply by completing the application form (downloadable word document) and sending it to suttonsteamsahead@sutton.gov.uk.