Commission Available to Creatives for 'Then, Now, Next: Projections'

Are you an artist interested in the links between art and science? As part of the Sutton STEAMs Ahead programme, The London Borough of Sutton is on the lookout for 3 creatives to take part in an exciting new project with each chosen proposal being awarded £7,500.

Whether you are a photographer, artist, filmmaker or performer of any kind, we want to hear your proposals for a photographic based artwork, performance or installation which uses themes of Science, Tech, Engineering, Arts & Maths and which addresses one or more of the following ideas:
  • Sutton’s STEAM history - people, places, landscapes
  • Science in Sutton
  • Sutton of the future
We are looking for 3 creatives, using creative photographic media, to make connections between the historic lives, technologies and landscapes of the London Borough of Sutton and those which exist now.

Artistic outputs might be a film, an image, an artwork, an installation, a slideshow, or indeed a projection to be submitted before November 2023. To find out more visit the London Tenders Portal.