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Calling Professionals in STEAM - Sutton STEAMS Ahead
Call for artists, creatives, scientists and STEAM professionals
Do you have a unique job in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts or Maths?
Can you give time (up to 4 hours) to record a short video?
Can you inspire young people in Sutton to understand the wide variety of careers available in STEAM – beyond traditional routes?
If yes, we need you! If you are interested, please fill in this short form.
We are looking for artists, scientists and professionals in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths) industries from within and beyond the borough of Sutton to help create a series of ‘meet the professional’ videos.
People whose careers uniquely combine STEM and the Arts are particularly encouraged to apply.
The videos will inspire secondary school students in Sutton to understand the wide variety of careers available in STEAM, broadening their horizons and knowledge of work opportunities beyond traditional routes.
For example, a video could concentrate on opportunities to work in medicine focusing on a range of roles, such as a radiographer, lab technician or sports scientist.
These short videos will be displayed on the Sutton STEAMs Ahead website and shared via social media. The videos will be offered as a careers resource and promoted to secondary schools and Careers Services.
What we are looking for
Artists, scientists and STEAM professionals to feature in short (3-5 minute) videos aimed at informing and inspiring school students.
We are keen to offer videos of as diverse a range of careers and individuals as possible.
For the filming:
The video can be filmed by yourself with guidance and script prompts from us.
The video can be filmed by a filmmaker appointed by us who will arrange to film you in your workplace or in your home or at an agreed location. This could involve up to about 2 hours of your time for filming and there may be another short session if required. Filming will take place between May-June 2023, fitting around your schedule.
Videos will introduce you and your career/work. We will use these prompts, but of course the script will be individual to you and your story:
How did you get into your line of work?
What does a typical workday look like?
Did you have to study or train for a qualification in your field?
Did any hobbies or aspects of your personality help you get your current job?
What do you love about your job?
How do art and creativity play a role in your work?
How does science, technology, engineering or maths play a role in your work?
What is the one thing you would say is essential to have in your job, and why?
How to apply and contact details
If you are interested in applying, please fill in this short form.