Sutton's Hidden Worlds - Geology - Sutton STEAMS Ahead

Sutton Hidden Worlds - Geology
The aim of these activities is to showcase the geology of Sutton and the many hidden worlds that can be found in the building stones that lie along Sutton High Street. A rock you walk past everyday may contain million-year-old fossils or have been formed from magma over a billion years ago. All the resources contained within this pack have been designed to take place within the classroom or school grounds but could be adapted into practical hands-on activities and tours. Local school risk assessments should be carried out for all the activities we suggest and when being adapted into walking tours.
The activities have been organised into longer lessons (60 minutes for Key Stage 1 and 75 minutes for Key Stage 2), but the activities have been carefully designed to be self-contained so that you can pick, choose, and order the activities as you wish potentially splitting over more lessons or throughout a term.
If you would like to find more information on building stones in Sutton or different parts of the UK you can lots more on the London Pavement Geology website and app (, plus if you think you’ve found some interesting rocks you can even submit new locations!
To help with observing the finer features of rocks including minerals and fossils, the borough will supply pre-assembled foldscopes and light modules along with other accessories. The light modules included also double as portable hand lenses which can be used to magnify the rocks surface and help in identifying different types.
These resources have been created in collaboration between Dr Amy Edgington (GeoBus, UCL) and Dr Ruth Siddall (UCL, London Geodiversity Partnership) and we hope you find them useful and fun! We would also like to thank our colleagues in the London Borough of Sutton and SEND experts from primary schools across the Borough for their invaluable advice in shaping these activities and resources.
We hope you enjoy the resources!
The UCL Earth Sciences team for Sutton’s Hidden Worlds.
Download a certificate of participation to print from your classroom wall!
Once you have completed the lesson, please fill in these evaluation forms. These are google forms that should take no more than 5 minutes to complete. Your feedback is a vital tool that helps us improve our work and can directly help us to access funding for future projects.
If you are interested in our other lessons, feel free to explore Biology, Creative Writing & Dance.