AE: Dr Ruth Siddall and I produced the geology themed resources that were part of
Sutton's Hidden Worlds! Sutton's Hidden Worlds was a collaboration between Earth Sciences and Bioscience here at UCL and together we showcased the hidden worlds of rocks, soil, ponds and much more!
SP: We used the concept of interconnectedness to ground our project to introduce pupils to the myriad of ways that different creatures and habitats impact on each other and on humans.
MJ: I worked alongside other colleagues at UCL to build educational resources for Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 school children focused on Sutton's ecology and environment.
RH: My PhD research involves working outdoors, particularly in ponds, so I have an appreciation for all the life around us that we often cannot see, and I wanted to convey this message to the pupils. I got involved as I really enjoy the process of curriculum development, particularly when it relates to understanding and appreciating nature in our local area. I love letting people know that they don't have to travel to exotic places to see cool wildlife.