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A bright future for Sutton as we go into 2025
As we welcome 2025, I was delighted this week to see Sutton is number eight in the the top places to live in England. This is according to The Times' annual list which uses data including local school standards, NHS waiting times, green spaces and average house prices.
Sutton 'Pushes the boat out’!
On a wet New Year’s Day in London, Sutton was once again represented by the Gary Mason Drummers Group in the annual London Mayor’s New Year’s Day Parade. The theme for Sutton’s float this year was Sutton Pushes the Boat Out. Last year Sutton won the ‘Boroughs Float’ competition and was awarded £15,000. All of the prize money went to the Sutton Mayor’s Charity fund.
How I met Roger the Parrot and found out that our local high streets are bouncing back for Christmas
I spent some time on Wednesday in Central Road, Worcester Park. I grew up here and went to Cheam Common Infant & Junior School. It’s great to see that Jolley’s, a sweet shop we’d visit after school, is still there, albeit under different ownership (it was nearly 60 years ago after all!). Fuelled by The Little Coffee Club in Stone Place, I called into Pet’s Place and spoke to the owner about the challenges and changes he has seen in running a business in Worcester Park for 30 years.